Roselie Swartz

What is your name and where are you from?
I am Roselie Swartz, from Cape Town South Africa
When did you join the ACTG?
August, 2016
Why did you get involved with the ACTG, and what are some of the things you’ve done as a member?
My interest in clinical research led me to become a member. I’ve worked to expand the membership of our CAB by recruiting new members and also to introduce the work of the ACTG to the community at large
Describe your community.
We are a disadvantaged area. We face HIV, AIDS, TB, STIs, substance abuse, teenage pregnancy, unemployment, school dropout, domestic violence, and many other challenges. My community has the second highest rates of HIV in the world. Poverty is the scourge of the day. There is no work, and prostitution is common. Many babies suffer from malnutrition and many women use alcohol and drugs during pregnancy, which has negative outcomes for the babies.
What are the most important treatment issues to your community?
Drinking, drug abuse, and school dropout.
How do you want your work in the ACTG to be remembered?
I want to be remembered for increasing awareness.
What are your future hopes for the ACTG and HIV research?
I hope the ACTG reaches more and more communities so that more people can be involved in research and then benefit from the cure.